The B.o.D. approves 2008 balance sheet and proposal of dividend

The CAD IT Board of Directors approves the 2008 consolidated financial statements and the proposal for an ordinary dividend of Euro 0.50 pre share

The CAD IT Group closes 2008 with a Value of Production of Euro 59.8 million compared to Euro 60.7 in the previous financial period.

EBITDA stood at Euro 12.7 million compared to Euro 15.2 million in the previous financial period.

EBIT was equal to Euro 9.2 million compared to Euro 12.6 million in 2007.

Net Profit was Euro 4.9 million compared to Euro 8 million in the previous year.

The Net Consolidated Financial Position was in credit by Euro 13.3 million showing an increase compared to the Euro 12.1 million at 31st December 2007.

An ordinary dividend payment of Euro 0.50 per share will be proposed at the Shareholders’ Meeting.

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